List of Indicators

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1.1 Population - Total population in 2006, 2011 and 2016. Highlighting % change between periods.
1.2 Age cohorts - Share of usually resident population aged over 65 and under 18 with age pyramids of each Electoral Division.
1.3 Nationality - Share of usually resident population by broad nationality.
1.4 Ethnicity - Share of usually resident population by broad ethnicity or cultural background.
1.5 Religion/marital status - Share of usually resident population by broad religion and marital status.
1.6 Persons with a disablity - Share of the population with a disability by age group.
1.7 Irish speakers - Share of the Population (aged 3 +) by those who speak Irish.
1.8 General health - Share of the Population by self-reported health status.
1.9 Social class - Share of the Population split into Social Classes, as determined by people with similar occupational skills (and not other characteristics).

2.1 Economic status – Share of the working age population by principal economic status (also divided by sex).
2.2 Industry type - Share of the working age population by occupation (also divided by sex).
2.3 Occupation type - Share of the working age population by occupation (also divided by sex).

3.1 Accommodation type - Share of households by type of accommodation (i.e. apartment, house, bedsit etc.).
3.2 Occupancy type - Share of households by type of occupancy (i.e. home owner with mortgage, home owner without mortgage, renting from private landlord, renting from local authority etc.).
3.3 PC and broadband - Share of households with personal computers and with broadband.
3.4 Utility type - Share of households by access to facilities including central heating, type by water supply, and type of sewerage facility.
3.5 Vacant dwellings - Share of housing by occupancy status and vacancy type.

4.1 Mode of transport - Method of transport individuals use to get to work, school and college (i.e. car, public transport, bicycle, walking etc.).
4.2 Journey time - Typical time individuals take to get to work, school and college.
4.3 Car access - The number of cars a household has access to.

5.1 Education completed - Highest level of education completed of those aged 15+ who have completed their education.
5.2 Field of study - Field of study of those whose education has ceased.
5.3 Age ceased - The age group at which those who have completed their education finished their studies.

6.1 Family cycle - Share of families by cycle type e.g. pre-school, empty nest, adult only
6.2 Family size - Share of families by size e.g. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 or more persons
6.3 Families with children - Families by the number of children or without children
6.4 Family type - Families by type including couples and lone parents by age of children
6.5 Age of youngest child - Families by the age of their youngest child